“No Name Woman” Feminist Analysis

The significance in the title demonstrates that Chinese women don’t have much power because they can’t even be given a name! In the Chinese culture woman are suppose to not do nothing to be a disgrace to their family.  And if the daughter brings disgrace to the family then they pretend she never was born and throw her out.  They have to throw her out because if they don’t then she will bring harm into the family. The narrator say’s, “.. the family broke their silence and cursed her… Aiaa, we’re going to die. Death is coming. Death is coming. Look what you’ve done. You’ve killed us. Ghost! Dead gosht!” (Kingston, 17). Specially the girls in the family feel repressive, and strictly ordered to do what they are said to do. Their whole life can’t be private, they have to think about their family every time they are going to make a decision. They need to question themselves, “Will this decision harm/disgrace my family and Village?”They have no self opinion, respect, or voice. I mean they can’t even married who ever they want their family chooses their husbands.

Once they live with their husband they are submissive/must obey to their husbands because they are the ones in control. It reads, “If you tell your family, I’ll beat you. I’ll kill you. Be  here again next week” (Kingston, 9). This quote demonstrates that the narrators aunt couldn’t tell anyone nothing because the fear of her husband killing her ruled over her. I connect this to the real world because there has been many cases that women feel submissive to their husbands. They do what they are told because their self-esteem and fear blocks their mind from the harm the husbands are doing to them. In the story it also demonstrates that having a baby boy gives you more power or at least they have a bigger chance of being forgiven. So being a male in the Chinese culture gives you more power and more opportunities. Males are those that passed down the fails name.

The older in Chinese culture also make a great impact in the younger ones. They are the ones responsible to keep the families name high and respected with no mark. Chinese culture take much pride in their families name, that’s why if someone brings disgrace then they are a threat to their family because the rules are never broken. Why? I don’t know. No one questions the culture, because it has been like that for many years, the stories are past down. The narrator say’s, “.. they want me to participate in her punishment. And I have. In the twenty years since I heard this story I have not asked for details nor said my aunts name..” (Kingston,18). The younger ones, like women fear that if they ask why they have those rules they might get punish. For example in the narrators mother tells her the story of her aunt so she won’t do the same thing. She say’s, “Now that you have started to menstruate,  what happened to her could happen to you. Don’t humiliate us. You wouldn’t like to be forgotten as if you had never been born. The villagers are watchful” (Kingston,5). The Chinese stories are passed down so the young would hopefully learn from them and be feared not to disrespect their family.


Psychological Theory Analysis in Mean Girls

In the movie Mean Girls we can explore diffrent types of psychology issues. For example, we see how Cady transforms from this shy, kind, and smart girl to a mean girl throughout the movie. Cady’s Ego wants so badly to be notice and popular, which make her take impulsive actions. Cady later learns that she has to confront her self-esteem and not let herself be insecure. Her Superego  plays in by demonstrating that she doesn’t have to leave her morals and appear/act differently to be notice and be herself.

The Plastics also display psychology issues. For instance, their defense mechanism tool is to aggressively bully and put others down, to avoid their unpleasant emotions. Like Regina for example might seem in the movie like she has the most perfect life, but in reality she is very insecure about herself. The plastics narcissistic personality  it shown by them pointing out each others faults and ugliness. Their unconscious doesn’t let them see that “beauty” isn’t what they see in T.V/society.

Lastly, in this movie you may encounter some Libido reactions. For example, there was a point in the movie where Cady made it seem that she didn’t know a math problem to be able to attract a boys attention. Her reaction shows her sexual motives because she acted like someone she wasn’t just to get his attention.   Furthermore, The Plastics maintain their popularity status by acting sexual and being desired by everyone. By acting sexual everyone they manipulate guys to do mean things for them so they won’t get caught. And of course the guys will agree and say yes because they desire The Plastics. So they use their sexuality to their advantage.






Extra credit; “Today’s Exhausted Superkids”

This article was very interesting to me because, I could really relate to what they were saying. It stated that American kids don’t get enough sleep because they are very stress out. I agree, because I need to take AP classes to be competitive enough for college acceptances. So I have to do a lot of homework. Who said senior year was going to be easy? Especially this year, I have this bad sleeping habit; where I go to sleep everyday around 1am, on Friday’s I get from school and sleep all day until 7pm. I also agree, that smartphones and tablets have made the sleeping problem for kids bigger. Because kids prefer to be in their phones all day, then do their homework first and then use electronics.

Characters And Questions In Just One Day by Gayle Forman

This book is about love, travel, and identity.  The main character in the book is Allyson Healey’s an American good girl. She is organized, perfectionist, and has her life planned out. She usually doesn’t do things that will get her in trouble, she isn’t very spontaneous. That is until the last day of her post-graduation European tour where she meets Williem. Allyson meets Williem De Ruiter in a underground performance where he plays a part. He is a Dutch actor who is laid-back and likes accidents to come his way. Immediately, there is a spark between them too. On the day that Allyson and her best friend have plan to go to London they reunite and Williem asks Allyson to accompany him to Paris. Allyson was hesitant at first, but decided to take a quick impulsive action and agree to go. Later on, Williem gives Allyson the nickname “Lulu” which changes Allyson thinking to more abrupt actions. I wonder if Willem would leave her alone in paris? Because there is many foreshadowing moments where Williem leaves for a period and Allyson believes that he will leave her, but them comes back. I wonder if at the end of the book will she be Allyson or Lulu?